Thursday, March 23, 2006

Mama Ball Says

Spring has sprung, and the hormonally challenged are ever more so this time of year. At least it's still chilly enough to keep the girls at school wearing some semblance of clothing. The middle school summer reading website update is almost done -- only a few pain in the ass nitpicky things left to polish off, so hopefully I can finish that tomorrow afternoon. At that point I have to go start the update for the new and recommended reads website, which will take longer as I actually have to write more for that one.
I'm off tomorrow morning to go to EMS to meet with the admins with Carm and to take a look at the library. Should be interesting. We'll see what transpires from all this. I got my paperwork back for my attempt at taking one of my discretionary days when the kids had no day care because their teachers had staff development day, and the director of personnel denied it without explanation. This means that they are going to dock my pay for the day, which will really screw things up for me. My principal sent a firmly worded email to her that started off by saying flat out "You cannot do this." He's mad because he approved it and she denied it, and it's allowed in the contract. Hopefully they can straighten things out between the two of them -- if I have to take time off to go park my butt in her office to do that I am going to be really pissed off. Given my experience with personnel a year and a half ago when they were absolute assholes about me taking time to travel to Kathy and Jerome's wedding (time which I was contractually allowed to take), I won't feel like being nice to anyone in that office.

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