Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Mama Ball Says

Another big whew -- I think I have all the appointments lined up for the next month. Thurs afternoon is parent orientation for kindergarten. Monday I go meet the principal and lobby for a spot. Next Friday I have to take my discretionary day as it's staff development for daycare and I have no one to watch the kids...and it's Jake's birthday, so it's not like I mind!! Jake's party is Saturday, then Charlotte's is Sunday, and then the following Friday I go over to Eastern to spend the morning getting the battle plans ready to go. Rumor has it that a major renovation is in the cards for the media center there. I don't know if that's a reality or someone's wishful thinking, but I guess I will find out soon enough. We are loaded for bear the next couple weeks.
Emma is home, and hopefully they will get her set up with enough adaptive equipment so that she can remain at home and independent like she wants to be. We'll be checking on her more frequently now ... 92 years old and still refusing the "I've fallen and I can't get up" button on a necklace because "those are for old people." She's a pip, our Emma!
Looks like it will warm up a bit this week. Good thing, as the kids need to get outside and play. Daycare is VERY good about getting them out at least for walks every day unless the weather is absolutely hideous or the windchill hits the dangerous level. They have both come home absolutely filthy from the playground the last two days! I told the teachers I really don't care if they get dirty -- it tells me they've been having a good time, and that's all I really care about. Tide can take care of the rest for me.
The cats have been eating us out of house and home -- you would think that the famine of the world was coming. If Daisy gets any wider she's not going to fit through the cat door anymore, and then we'll REALLY have problems.

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