Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Mama Ball Says

Busy day in the middle of vacation today! Dropped the kids at school, went to work for a little while and sorted donated books for Grand Caillou, then went to see my mother-in-law hard at work in rehab, then off to see Jake at swim lessons. He was REALLY nervous -- last year's incident is still hanging on. I'm going to have to get him in the pool this summer as soon as it's warm enough and keep him in every day to get him past this. Went back to work after and sorted through more stuff ... have a shitlist for tomorrow to blow through in the morning.
Tomorrow afternoon I promised to take donuts and juice for snack for Jake's class, and then I am taking him out early so we can go skating over at Doro Hamill. They have an extra public session tomorrow afternoon since it is vacation week. Wayne is coming over so I am leaving the boys with the kids and I am going to go see Brokeback Mountain in Port Chester. Otherwise, I'll never see it until it hits HBO or Cinemax. I was hoping that they'd have early times this week but no dice, the only time it shows in the afternoon is too late for me to get the kids ( I COULD... but picking them up at 6 pm is just not something I like to do ).
Wine barrel opening party is Friday night, so Friday is a clean house day for me, even though the majority of the shindig will happen in the garage. Gotta take what opportunities I have to get the big stuff done. Steve and Wayne are going to the Bronx to get food ... I may have to go with them as I don't get to do that often.
Steve bought me a combo blender/food processor -- hurray! Came from UJ's store, and the only color available was red, but I think it looks nice in the kitchen -- lots of fun. :) The coffeemaker isn't dead, but the pot is completely shot to hell (terrible design if you ask me) and I am stymied as to replacing that part, If I don't find it this week I am going to either go back to Gevalia and get a free coffee pot from them or go buy a Mr Coffee as they have replacement pots at the goddamn Stop and Shop.
Spent time with my father-in-law today, hope things go okay for the next few weeks. don't hold out much hope beyond that, but you can never tell. I suck at betting anyway, so I am not the person to ask about odds.
Someday soon I will live in a house where I don't have to drink to get through the hours of 5-10 pm.

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