Friday, February 10, 2006

oh, holy crap.

Well, it's been awhile, but damn do I have good reasons. Try mother-in-law with stage 4 cancer and fractured pelvis and arm, and 92-year-old neighbor with fractured hip. They are around the corner from one another in the same rehab section of a local private nursing home (which is absolutely fantastic -- so clean you could eat off the floors, and they have the kindest staff I've ever seen there). Aside from the fact that we like the people and condition of the nursing home, they have two dogs and a couple birds in residence, and the kids love going to see them. Sadie especially likes Ziggy the bird who is on the rehab floor -- she gets pissed when she can't spend the whole time with him! So lately it's been a merry-go-round: up, drop kids at daycare, work,, pick up kids, come home, eat fast, go over to do the evening visit shift, come home, kids in bed, collapse,and start all over the next day. Worst part is I lost my meds so I am doing this sans happy pills until it is refill time. Yes, I could call the insurance folk and ask for the lost-bottle-need-replacement but they only allow that once a year and I hate to blow it this soon. I'll get the refill in another two weeks, in time for the next disaster I am sure. Other than that, things are relatively okay. Pressure cooker decisions are on the way, though -- have to get my ass in gear about where to put Jake for kindergarten and make a decision about where I want to be too. Screw it -- I'm buying a couple powerball tickets just so I can have something fun to daydream about for a few hours.

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