Sunday, February 19, 2006

Mama Ball Says

Well, Wayne didn't call, so I am assuming that like a bajillion other folk, we didn't have the right set of numbers. Oh well! It was fun to play.
It went past frigid right to goddamn cold yesterday and today. I'm not sure the wind chill ever got above 20. Yuck. Tomorrow is supposed to be a little better, but not much, so I am taking the kids to the "members-only" 1-hour-early opening time for the children's museum in Norwalk. I figure we'll play there until it gets too crowded and then we'll head home for lunch and naps before we head over to Dr. Devine's. Jake decided we should go see the tigers at the zoo Tuesday, and then go see Curious George after lunch. Sounds good to me! Sadie's been running a fever on and off the last few days -- nothing worse than that and occasionally not being herself -- some whining and crabbing, but that's about it.
Took Jake skating today during the public skate time, and we had such fun! He was so proud of himself because he was getting moving on his own and staying up -- and moving relatively quickly! No lessons next Saturday, so we are going to take advantage of the extra public session at 3:30 on Thurs and then the regular sessions over the weekend.
Got home from that and took Sadie out to the mall just to get her out of the house. It was too cold to take her for a walk around the block. She was hilarious -- we walked around the mall for a while, wherever she wanted, and then she led me into Gymboree, cried and hid from the salesgirl, then went flipping through the clothes until she found a really adorable skirt that she refused to let go of. I have no idea how she did it but she not only grabbed the right size, but the damn thing was on sale. I picked up a little embroidered shirt to go with it, and we went up to the register, where Sadie proceeded to pitch a fit because the girl at the register needed her to LET GO of the skirt so she could scan the tag. I had to pry her fingers off it -- it was so embarrassing. You would have thought I was ripping her leg off the way she was howling! Anyway, other than the hissy fits, she shops like Kristen: she can find the best thing in the store in her size and on sale in three minutes or less. If this were an Olympic event, I'd have a gold medalist on my hands. I came home and told Steve that we're doomed.
Here's to a relatively uneventful vacation week!

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