Saturday, June 30, 2007

"The List" = The Hydra

You know, that list of stuff that you want to get done around the house... the list that's got to have been the inspiration for the legend of the Hydra. Can't you just see some Greek wife in ancient times giving her writer husband the never ending litany of honey-do crap... and his imagination taking flight as he's stuck slaving away (on the roof, in the attic, cleaning the basement,whatever). One thing gets done and suddenly she's got eight more thankless ballbusting jobs on the list.
Anyway, I've managed to whack a head off my Hydra -- the Drama Queen has a freshly painted room that looks pretty damned good. Her room is now a nice warm pink with white trim. Hubby didn't seem to think I would do a good job -- no comment other than "You have a lot of work ahead of you" when I started, and a bemused "Oh, you did a good job!"when I finished. Nice that he has such confidence in me. The only part I couldn't do was the ceiling. I'm not tall enough, and the only step ladder we have in the house isn't stable enough for me to do that (I have to be too far up the ladder). So Hubby will have to tackle that at some point. I also took a stab at the mess in the dining room and tossed three bags of crap. I'm not quite done in there -- that was a naptime project that had to stop before I was done, and I haven't made it back to finish. This week the kids are in camp/daycare all week (except Wed) so I am hoping to get some major work done. I'd like to get the other bedroom painted, but I still have to negotiate that with Hubby as that will involve us not sleeping in there for at least one or two nights while the paint fumes air out, and he might rather do that on the weekend. If that project has to wait, then it's either attic or basement (attic first if the weather is cooler). Either way I have to remember to tip the garbagemen this week!
Harry Marathon tomorrow - have to get ready for Order of the Phoenix coming out on the 13th!

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