Sunday, May 27, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

Saturday: the wedding/arraignment. This actually went beautifully once we got there. The traffic on 95 was a raging nightmare (not accidents, just stop-and-go for no apparent reason). So we were about 15 minutes late for the church service (FIL and GF were about a half hour late). Getting to the Italian Center reception was no problem, though, and it was very nice. This week, the bridesmaids were appropriately dressed (no poles needed, unlike last week's wedding with the girls poured into and falling out of their dresses and obvious total lack of undergarments of any kind), and the reception was lots of fun. Danced my ass off with UJ, and that was hilarious. He probably couldn't move today. He was announcing that his knees were trouble on the dance floor, but he was still going. There was a candy bar (6-8 different kinds you could come up and put into little take-home bags) at the end, and the last dance was the "Jackrabbit Slims twist contest" track from Pulp Fiction, which was really fun. I ended up dancing the last one with the Don, who was bombed and adorable.
Took The Boy and the Drama Queen to see Shrek 3 today, and we had a wonderful time. First thing in the morning on the weekend is a good time to see a flick. They both enjoyed it a lot, as did I. After that we went to North St to see the cousins and swim. DQ had a nap, and hubby took The Boy to the Don's for the post-wedding shindig. I stayed at the house, had daquiris all day and had dinner with UM and the little girls as the O-Man had to go back with his mother for part of the day to go play with friends. Since I was in the pool most of the day it was pretty relaxing. UM and I neither one cares about having anything fancy -- it's "what's in the fridge? Should we check the freezer? can we throw it on the grill and not get anything dirty?" Makes things very easy.
Have to get up tomorrow to make pie for dessert. Found one more bag of cherries from last year in the garage, so that will make FIL happy. Have to make something beyond that, though.
Finished reading Terry Trueman's 7 Days at the Hot Corner and Jerry Spinelli's Eggs. Both awesome books, but for different levels and very different reasons. 7 Days will be fab for the 8th grade. Have to craft a very particular booktalk for that one, as it deals with homophobia and an HIV test -- but in a way that's very realistic and not sexual. Eggs is going to be wonderful for 6th and 7th grade, esp for alternative family situations and dealing with breakdowns of traditional family. I loved it because it shows how resilient kids can be even when they don't want or mean to be.

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