Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Yes, Eeyore did the "why wasn't I invited" shit. Am going to tell FL to either invite her officially or tell her no because she is not the goddamn department head with the requisite ass on the line.
Pretty much guarantees her coming to the meeting -- not completely a bad thing, but she gets lost easily and doesn't get the jokes. So I'm annoyed afterward, and given that it's a 9:30 meeting, I can't ameliorate that easily. Maybe I'll see about scheduling my cholesterol test the same day. If I'm going to be underfed, undercaffeinated and pissed, I might as well get to take it out there.
Of course, the sensible thing would be to gently note to FL that avoidance of the issue is as easy as a reschedule to a time during her class. That would get him off the hook nonconfrontationally.
I do notice that he tends to like to notice that shit on his own, however.
So it looks like I'm screwed.
Where's Jimmy's number for the cholesterol screening appt??????

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