Sunday, September 23, 2007

It's that time of year again...

Yes, that would be "obnoxious fundraisers for all the schools the kids are in" time. The preschool sells overpriced candles that you cannot order online, and therefore have to keep track of the order form and the booklet and the checks... needless to say, I lost all of the paperwork twice before I got over to FIL's to tell him to buy some strong candles to cover up the catpee stench in his back stairwell where the elderly kitties occasionally lose control before making it to the basement. He blew $200 on candles and tchotchkes, mostly because his GF went shopping through the catalog and couldn't decide which scent he'd like best -- so she bought a bunch. Whatever floats her boat. Not like he's not going to eat this week because of that! Then there's the wrapping paper/tchotchke sale going on at The Boy's elementary school (same one the other grandkids have going on, and FIL blew $80 on wrapping paper for them). So we ordered some and UJ ordered some. That you can do online thankfully, so the mild guilt trip emails have been sent to Granny, Mame, etc. They'll help. Fortunately the magazine drive is over where I work, but I always order our magazines that way. They gave us the faculty discount, but it only applied to certain magazines, so some I ordered at full price (National Geographic). Anyway, I hate these sales because you get pressured at every turn to sell stuff to other people you may or may not like (both the stuff and the people), and I've always been annoyed by that. I'd really like a PTA option: if you don't want to participate in the sellfest, then give us $40 (or whatever the average order take for the school would be). I'll write you another fucking check just to not have to deal with all of the paperwork and guilt trips!
The Boy is doing quite well with reading, and still adores his new teacher. We went to Open House this past week, and she was quite excited and energetic. She announced to the parents that she will be running her first NY Marathon in Nov, so that was neat. Another reason for a marathon party! She has the kids running their own "Morning Meeting" every day, everyone has a job to do, and they all have bought into her behavior management/positive reinforcement plan (they each have a monkey and their monkeys have a couple bananas -- if you do something wrong, your monkey loses a banana and you have to earn it back). She calls it "No Monkeying Around!" Very cute, but effective so far. The Boy is writing all the time now (he has very interesting spelling, but he has a much better grasp of phonics than some of the kids in his class by the looks of his spelling) and he is whizzing along through the math for grade 1. He got extra worksheets this past week for "enrichment" homework and I'm not sure if that's a sign that he is getting bored (he could do them all easily). Have to talk to her about that.
Drama Queen has been phenomenally dramatic lately -- and stubborn and pissy and whiny and look-right-at-you-and-do-what-you-just-said-no-to kind of rotten child. Must be a phase. I'm thinking of locking her in the basement until this one passes (mornings have been really difficult), but that's one of those lovely mother fantasies. I know I will have to bear the brunt of this until she's gotten through it. I have a feeling that part of this is that all of her friends except one are in the downstairs class, and she misses them. She sees them on the playground, but I think that's about it. Doesn't matter if I gripe about it or express concern or handle it any other way -- they won't switch her simply because they have no room in any class, so I'm thinking that's pretty pointless.
The Hundred Acre Wood will have to wait a while -- it's been up and down lately and I'm too tired to go on about that one just now.

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