Sunday, August 26, 2007

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to hell we go...

Well, not literally, but tonight IS the last night of the summer, and it's back to work and time to go into Cuisinart mode tomorrow. Lots of crap on the drawing table coming up, as well as the usual start of year nonsense with schedules and where's-my-shit, and then I have to plan a couple presentations for parents and faculty. The Hundred Acre Wood is looking pretty good (that's relative, given the decrepit shape it's been in). Wall's down, carpet's patched and cleaned, not too much crap everywhere, the book orders came in, and so far only two computers didn't survive the summer. Bad sign: opened my file drawer in my desk and a VERY healthy-looking roach crawled across the tops of my files. EEEUUUUUWWWWWW. Asked the custodians to pleasepleaseplease do something about that. Hopefully they did. Kanga's been in a good mood, Owl has been working hard and has also been in a good mood. Eeyore's son is now in 6th grade and will be (ahem) in one of my classes at some point this year. THAT should be interesting.
The Boy had a birthday party today for one of the boys who was in his K class and will also be in his 1st grade class. They had a wonderful time, and I am really hoping that they will become good friends this year. We were invited over for a get-to-know-you party on Tues (same family, they are hosting a party for all the kids in the new class and the moms) so I am hoping that OFL will let me off for a couple hours to do that with The Boy. He should -- still owes me about 10 hours from last year, and I didn't even mention the time I came in and spent over the summer. Got a letter from The Boy's new teacher (brand new as of about a week ago or so) and he seems to be looking forward to this year. Sea change from last year-- he vehemently announced that "We don't have to talk about her any more" in reference to his K teacher, the Irish Nazi. I'll be making an appointment to see Miss 1st in the first couple weeks of school to talk things over with her.
Granny is here, and The Boy is loving it. DQ is occasionally standoffish, and I have had to get much firmer with both of them in the last month. Don't know if that's a factor of me leaving them in Austin for a couple days or just the stages they are going through. Whatever. Hope it ends soon, as I hate having to haul out "Mean Mommy" and chew them out for being rude or obnoxious every day. On the good side, Granny will let us have a couple dates before she leaves, so that will be the grand sum total of my social life for the next couple months.
Vegas and Austin were great -- more about that later.

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