Monday, March 19, 2007

Are We Done With the Damn Snow Yet?

Bitch, bitch, bitch. I don't mind the snow, really -- I mind the rain, sleet and sneet that compacted that nice fluffy powder into the glacial ice pack that has been my driveway for the last couple days. Hubby broke a shovel handle and gouged both hands before switching to the heavy-duty metal garden shovel (and then giving up soon after). The sun is starting to take care of it but it looks like we might get more frigid crap tonight. Good thing Big Bertha is as heavy as she is or I'd never get her wide load ass out of the driveway. Hope this is the last big winter storm.

We took the kids sledding over in Byram park yesterday, and had a blast. We went all the way down the big hill over and over -- what wild rides! The Drama Queen was busy channeling Danica Patrick, and The Boy was thrilled too. The weather yesterday was wonderful, just warm enough to be comfortable outside without turning everything into a slushy mess on the hill.

Our St. Patrick's Day was full of family, godparents and birthday cake for The Boy. He has been having so much fun with the lightsabers and his Harry Potter getup ... and we keep switching between the Star Wars dvds and the Harry Potter ones. I'm almost afraid he's going to start asking what Obi Wan teaches at Hogwarts.

Auntie Mame's visit went very well. Picked her up at the airport, and she came for dinner and saw the kids. The Boy went running and jumping into her arms! The Drama Queen gave her a bit of the stink-eye before she warmed up, but we taught her to say "Uncle Wome is in I-Wack," and she got a little smiley. It was so nice to have Mamie here... and it was physically painful to watch her leave. I miss her much more than I'm willing to admit to myself most of the time. I am looking forward to going south to visit the Redneck Relations next month. It'll be the first big family trip since we went to Mexico for Wome and Mame's wedding, so we'll see how we do as a traveling circus.

One more weekend of birthday hoohah (Charlie and The Boy both on Saturday, then Hubby on Monday). Then we can breathe. Once again, I feel like I just don't give a rat's left asscheek about my birthday this year (38? So what???). We'll be down south for it, and I already told Auntie JurisD that I don't give a shit and we can skip my birthday entirely ... I'm just happy to be somewhere different. We'll see if she listens. I don't have much hope of that, as she doesn't have a history of doing that unless things are completely removed from her control, and since we're going to HER house, that's pretty much an impossibility.

Work sucks. What else is new. We got a bunch of new books (Spend the money! Don't let them take it back!!!), and that is going to keep me occupied for a while.

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