Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Mama Ball Says

Happy Independence Day! Freedom means a lot more to me this year -- and like Forrest says, "That's all I have to say about that."
We took the kids to the annual Salute to Veterans, which was moved from the high school to Havemeyer Field behind town hall this year (due to the new artificial turf on the football field). Steve went and parked his truck behind town hall very early in the morning to get us a good spot, and then we drove over with the kids right before it got started. We were in a spot where we could see virtually all of the lower field, where the military demonstration, but we couldn't see the speeches or singing or giant flag on the upper field. Two F-18s did a couple fly-overs. This year's demo was a "take out the terrorists" one: four guys on patrol get targeted by two shooters in a beat-up van, so they start firing back, then the Humvee shows up with the big gun on top and the huge chopper shows up to strafe the field. All fake bullets but very loud explosions and flybys with the chopper. Sadie was freaked out by the noise, but Jake hung in there until the end, when they set off four REALLY loud charges on the field -- that's when he got a little scared. They both took long naps after that experience! We avoided the town fireworks that night -- maybe next year we will do that.
The neighbors south of Chris's place set off a lot of fireworks last night, which also freaked out Sadie, so she spent the entire night in the middle of our bed. Jake liked them, though, because he could see them out his window. We're going to watch the D.C. fireworks on TV tonight, and maybe some of the Macy's ones also.
My glasses bit the dust yesterday morning, so after we dropped Sadie off at daycare Jake and I went up to Opticare in Norwalk to get new ones. Unfortunately they can't guarantee that I will have have the new ones before we leave for Vegas! I should have asked for a pair of contacts then and there, but I didn't even think about it since I haven't worn them for the last few years. I'm calling tomorrow to see if they will give me a pair and a spare for my trip, just to be sure. I still have my prescription sunglasses, so driving isn't a problem -- just wearing them inside is annoying. I can still perch what's left of my regular glasses on my nose, as long as I don't move around too much (otherwise they start sliding and it screws up my vision). Works for reading and this, but not much else.
Kathy called last night and miraculously she is still looking forward to coming and playing with the kids. We have visitors set up: Mal on Sunday, U.J. after work on Monday, Wayne bringing pizza onTuesday, and she thought all that was pretty good.
Shopping tomorrow, cleaning service here on Thursday, packing Friday -- and taking the kids to see "Cars" again Friday afternoon with Joanne, Owen and Charlotte.
I can't wait to get to Vegas. I have a couple hours booked at the salon on Sunday afternoon to get the works -- color, cut, style etc. I have an appointment to get a really good manicure (tips!), some kind of "rainforest" package that takes a couple hours including a massage, and Steve wanted a couples massage, so that's another day. He wants a pedicure, but I think we will try to schedule that once we get there -- maybe he can get that done when I'm getting the manicure. We have tickets to see Elton John, and a couple really nice dinners planned. Other than that, Steve wants to gamble, and I will either shop or go out to the pool to swim and or read. I think what I am looking forward to the most is just having a short reprieve from the constant demands of the kids. I love them, but that part is extremely wearing sometimes, especially when I feel like I just can't get ANYTHING done for all the interruptions. I think I have less patience for that after this last year of work. I really hate the fact that my job stress affected my family life so much -- and still does. I'm hoping this vacation will restore some of my reserves of patience.

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