Friday, September 05, 2008

Best Comment Tonight

Comment from Violent Acres post:

"When the worst that can happen to you for acting like a bitch/asshole is having to deal with another bitch/asshole, you don’t really have enough incentive to stop being a bitch/asshole.
Odds are you feel you can out-bitch/asshole the other person.
But Bitch can’t beat Crazy. Crazy wins every time."

And the Mama stands up and applauds! I think a lot of crazy shit, and only ballsup and do it occasionally, which explains most of the mouthy nonsense that comes out of me, like the faculty meeting favorite: "All I wanna know is WHO'S GONNA TOAST HER NUTS?" when the personnel director for the school district sent out a memo that teachers who ran the state test prep sessions for 6 weeks after school every day were only entitled to 75% of their pay for that after school time, not time-and-a half like other people who have worked a full day and are putting in overtime. That one's going to show up at my retirement party, definitely. The best part of that one was when the principal covered his crotch with one hand while he was staring at me after I let that one loose.

If I did it more often, they'd commit me.

No, seriously.

Some days that might not be a bad thing.

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