Thursday, December 27, 2007

End of 2007

It's been an eventful last couple weeks.
The one possible date I had to go over to The Boy's school and do an official lunch duty with his class -- I left my school, crossed the street, slipped on the fucking wet leaves and did a total face plant in the road (chipped a front tooth, bit through lower lip, general mess and mayhem). I walked back into the office where my principal didn't even recognize me for all the bloody mess, spit chunks of my lip into the nurse's sink, and ended up in the dentist's office and the oral surgeon's office (read -- drop a grand and wait for insurance to reimburse). This with the Drama Queen in tow, whose teachers thought she had symptoms of pinkeye (she didn't have it) which necessitated pickup immediately after naptime and just before dentist appointment, because Daddy was in Florida and wasn't due back until midnight, and Pop-pop was in St. Marten with his GF -- which left me with UM as the only other person on all the emergency forms, so had to call him and see if he could take an early train home and pick up the boy at the Y for me since I had no idea how long I would be getting stitched up. Fortunately DQ had an amazing afternoon and was quite happy to sit with a coloring book, a cute receptionist, and a juice box while I was having needles etc jabbed in my face.
The worst part? My teeth hurt so much drinking wasn't really an option, with or without a straw for a couple DAYS and they gave me NOTHING. Tylenol and Advil on alternating 2 hours put a decent dent in it, though. Went back to the oral surgeon at the end of the week, and he said he was impressed at how well it had healed since "it looked like hamburger on Monday." Lovely. I pretty much had no other options -- get the fuck well was it. Welcome to motherhood. If this shit doesn't work in your book, then don't bother getting knocked up.
Next up on the hit parade we have UM's court date, which fortunately went well for him. Apparently the Murphinator's lawyer is about as unorganized as she is, and according to UM the judge was less than impressed with the histrionics and drama being offered up. Once that and the Mouth Trauma were both over we set the date for doing the final Christmas shopping for FIL as he announced he didn't want to do it this year.
That turned out to be the date of FIL's combo colonoscopy/endoscopy which discovered a large and needs-to-be-removed weird mass in his colon. Therefore -- surgery the day after said evening shopping trip in which UM and I rationalized everything but our emotional reactions to FIL being in the hospital for major surgery. Needless to say, surgery went well given the nonsense at the hospital, but reactions by all were less than good. GF didn't call from the hospital for hours, snowstorm/icestorm prevented the rest of us being there, and basically communication broke down and no one handled it well.
Just before Christmas Eve, we have FIL asking GF to marry him with giant diamond ring (I'm guessing at least 6 carats on the center stone, the thing is as big as my fingernail). She of course said yes, but there's no date set as they have a lot to work out in terms of their businesses and such. UM was okay with it. Hubby was not, but at least he was polite. He wouldn't be okay with this if they'd done it five years from now, though... sigh. RainMan he is, and there's nothing going to change that. Christmas Eve other than that was fun with the kids. The Fantastic Four were quite happy with all the gifts and stuff.
Lastly, Hubby's beloved and favorite cat Chester went down for the count two days ago, so FIL took him to the vet. They ended up putting him to sleep that night. Hubby had gone to the animal shelter with his mother 17 years ago and the two of them had picked out two kittens from the same litter -- Chester and Madeline. So it was more than a little sad for him to lose Chester.
Hopefully 2008 will be somewhat more manageable. Guess we'll find out!

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