Thursday, January 18, 2007

OFL Redux

Yesterday was busy as hell. Eeyore and I never got to say two words to each other -- one or both of us were busy every single period of the day. So, the guilt trip conversation didn't happen, and won't today either -- have to wait until tomorrow since I am out on my scheduled comp day today. She left early to go to the PLP session at the high school (the one she announced she was not prepared for the other day) so of course the inventory got put off -- again.
I got a couple emails from Jenny over at Just Books, and it looks like we can host one of the authors she has coming. I went down to check the schedule for the dates on her list, and OFL called me into his office when he saw me walk into the main office at 3:30.
The first thing he said "Now I know what you're talking about with her." Eeyore came in to see him at some point during the day to ask him to sign her personal day form. She wanted to take her personal day the day before Feb. vacation because she had scheduled flights out of town for that day. He told her personnel would never approve that because it was to extend a vacation, and that it wasn't going to happen. She kept asking him what to do, what to do, and he said he knew she was fishing for him to tell her to call in sick that day. He said he kept putting it back on her "I can't tell you what to do - you have to decide what to do. This is up to you." She apparently turned to walk out, he went back to whatever paperwork was on his desk, and she turned around, came right back in, and started the same conversation over again. As if the answer was somehow going to be different!
After he told the story, I looked at him and said, "So I'm not crazy!" He chuckled, and said, "No, never thought that, but now I know what you're dealing with up there." I told him that she had (as far as I could tell when I was passing by) been doing well helping the 7th grade classes with a lesson on using the online works consulted generator today -- there are some things that she is perfectly capable of handling. His response was "That's nice, but we have a lot more going on than that, and we need people who can handle things. I need you to be happy up there -- you work hard, you've done a great job getting things in shape, and I don't want you thinking that Central looks a whole lot better than this." It's nice to know that someone recognizes the amount of effort I've been putting into the place. He asked if I knew if anything was wrong at home for her, and I said she really avoided talking about home most of the time, so I had no idea.
Basically, I have to send her a specific email asking her to get the index page done for the kids' websites. If it's not done soon, then I should send another email asking for the same thing, and copy Asst OFL Who Works. That's kind of dropping the hammer hard, but he said I need to start a paper trail with this, and AOFLWW is her evaluator (and mine). He thinks eventually we will have to have a meeting to ask her why she isn't doing what she should be doing. Frankly, by that point, I doubt I'll have to say a word if there's a paper trail of things she hasn't done -- and the way she reacts under the least pressure, she'll hang herself in six minutes or less.
Honestly, at this point, I'm seriously hoping that I get asked to go to Washington with the 8th grade this spring. Any chance I have to get out of there will be a good thing.
Today I'm planning to go to the hardware store for a couple things, and then come home and read all day. I had some books here, and I brought home a big stash so I'd have choices. The 4th Traveling Pants is first in line!

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