Saturday, December 17, 2005

Mama Ball Says

A week to go ... so far I've had a cold this week, and the kids have had mild colds which have hung on into tonight. Three kids went home from Jake's class yesterday with "the throwup bug" so I am waiting to see if we have missed that bullet.

Went to the office Christmas party for Steve's crew last night. Very nice setup at a country club in Danbury, and it was nice to see everyone. The usual games and folderol went on about 45 minutes too long, though -- it was 11:30 before we left and I was getting that evil achytired feeling. Slept all the way home and then drove Alice home. Jake talked her into letting him open one of the Christmas presents (it was in an bag tied with a ribbon, but after he said we had told him it was okay, he told her that they had to make sure to put it back in the bag!!! I laughed hysterically at that one. Oh well.

Have a good start on wrapping gifts for the kids, and am hoping to get most of it done tonight. Then all I have to worry about it cleaning the fridge and the house this week ( a little bit every night). Jake and I delivered gifts to the neighbors today, and that was fun. I still need two extension cords for my lightup houses and the nativity scene, and I need a basket or box to put Charlotte's tea set and tea linens in. I think Marshall's had boxes that were fabric covered and nice looking, but who knows if they still have any. I'm going to try to get out in the morning and get there early.

Have decided that Christmas Eve morning is going to be the Kessey family gift morning for the kids. I figure there will be a lot going on with Steve's family, and I'd like them to have a chance to enjoy without getting overwhelmed. We'll see -- if there are still too many we'll put off some until the day after Christmas or something like that.

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